We search local rental for SPA-WELLNESS

VITALWELLNESS seek rent from local in hotel or resort, to offer our services therapeutic massage, beauty treatments and wellness therapies to customers own hotel or resort.

We understand that our services would provide a plus of quality to the general services of the hotel or resort, as customers increasingly demand this type of wellness therapy services, and that they would be grateful to the hotel or resort.

If you are the owner or director of a hotel or resort and want to offer this service in your accommodation establishment. We are at your disposal and can contact us to have a meeting and establish a commercial agreement.

If you already have this service in your accommodation complex, and in the future the company that manages this service decides to resign, or you want to change the management company of your SPA or WELLNESS services. We are at your disposal and can contact us to have a meeting and establish a commercial agreement.

VITALWELLNESS thanks you for your attention and if you wish, you can contact us and we will be delighted to have a meeting with you to establish a commercial agreement. Thanks and regards.